Monday, July 16, 2007

Fun Lazy Weekends Rock!

This past weekend was so much fun. I just kind of did what I felt like doing, which was unusual, but very fun. Friday night, I had dinner at Barb's, then Maradee, Barb, Michelle, and I went to see the Spazmatics at Scout. So much fun. Here is a pic of Maradee and I later in the hair was up because it was so freaking hot in there! I look a little scary, but it was really fun.

Saturday, I met my friend Michelle for lunch. We went to college together and, despite the fact that we live less than 10 miles from each other, we never see each other. So, we had lunch at Cheddar's and it was great. Michelle always makes me laugh. She has the most beautiful kids in the world (see her blog under my links) and her husband is great at hooking up electronic stuff. He made his own DVR and hooked up a TV that is also Michelle's computer monitor...I am so impressed! So, anyway, we had a great time catching up. As much as you can catch up in an hour, but it was fun. Here is a picture of us. My hair is quite windblown!

Later on in the afternoon, I went on a shopping spree. I have been on an electronics buying spree for the last couple of weeks, starting with a new running GPS. For the past several years, I have had a GPS watch to run with. These things are so cool! They tell you instantaneously how fast and far you are running. It is weird how I have no concept of how fast (i.e. slow) I am going. I cannot estimate it at all! So, back in May sometime, I set out my GPS on my car to link up to the satellites because it sometimes takes a while to link up. I was going to pick up a friend to go running, but you have to be still for it to link up, so I put it out a few minutes before I left. Then I drove off and forgot it was there. This is something I blame on my mother. When I was a kid, she was ALWAYS leaving her cup of Diet Pepsi on the top of the car and we would go driving down the road and Diet Pepsi would spill off the back of the car. If I was anything like my sweet niece is now, I'm sure that I was all-too-eager to point it out to her every time. Anyway, apparently I inherited this character trait of forgetting things on the car. I didn't realize that the GPS wasn't around until I got to my friend's apartment and then I kind of freaked. We decided to run, then go back to my house and look for it. When we got back there, it was lying in the street like 50 feet from my house and it had been run over. I was absolutely speechless...I'm such a moron!!! I really hate it when I do stuff like this. Like a few years back I lost a Best Buy gift card for $650. I'm still not really over that. So anyway, I finally got over the trauma of losing my GPS and decided to buy a new one. This one is even better! I can download my running info to my computer and compare routes and stuff. I bought it on 4th of July and I've used it twice and it is GREAT!!! I ran 4 miles in 39:19 Sunday and the last mile was 9:10!!! LOVE IT!

Well, in the process of looking for a new GPS, I went shopping with my friend Matt and I mentioned that I need a new TV for my room. The one I have in there is 9 years old (survived my fire in 1999). When I turn it on, it takes a full minute for the picture to come. Which is really annoying when I'm trying to catch the "Local on the 8's" segment on the Weather Channel in the mornings because if the picture doesn't come on soon enough, I miss it and then I have to wait another 10 minutes to see the weather. Actually, I don't really need to watch the weather...I live it's going to be hot and probably rainy. Anyway, back to the TV thing. So, Matt convinced me to get a nice TV. I compared a regular old TV with an LCD flat panel and the costs were pretty close for 19" TVs. And there is something about a tuner and 2009. I don't really understand the details, but apparently my TV will be obsolete on February 17, 2009. Something to do with digital or something. So, I decided that I did want to get a nice small TV that would look less bulky in my room. Then, for some reason, Matt researched a nice big flat panel TV for me to put in my living room. Only I have a perfectly good TV in there now. It is a 27" and I got it at Sears about 6 years ago for only $200. There is nothing wrong with it at all. But, I really liked the looks of this other TV. But, it doesn't fit in my entertainment center. So, I ended up buying 2 TVs this past Saturday. Yes, 2 of them. I realize that this is completely ridiculous, but you should see them...they are so cool and clear and I LOVE them! I actually wasn't sure if I was going to like them all that much. But, we watched The Bourne Identity on the living room TV on Saturday night and it was clear you could freaking count the snowflakes on the ground! The one in my room is so nice...takes up so much less room than my other one. Here are some pictures of my TVs...old and new. See the difference? So I guess I am now an electronics geek, too. But maybe not since I'm still not too sure how to use the remote controls.

Also in there somewhere, we went to play Putt Putt. It was Tommy, Kinsey, Matt, Kristy D, Jess and me. Here are a couple of pics from later on in the evening. We had already been playing for a while and Jess had already left, so they're not the greatest pics, but they make me smile!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i'm glad we had lunch, and i had lots of fun! and you are EVIL for posting a pic of me!!