Monday, April 11, 2005

Run for the Son 5K Fun Run

Well, I won another race! OK, I didn't exactly break the finish line tape. But, I did win first place in my age group. It was at the Friendswood United Methodist Church 2nd Annual Run for the Son on March 19, 2005. I finished in 29:40, which is 33 seconds over my PR (personal record) of 29:07!

The race was a good one...about 200 runners. We ran through a neighborhood near the church in Friendswood. It was a family celebration for Palm Sunday weekend and there was breakfast and lots of kids activities.

The only thing that went wrong is that both of my shoes came untied just a half mile before the finish. I could tell that I was going to have a good finish time, so I refused to stop and tie them. So, I ran kicking my feet out so I wouldn't trip. Fortunately, I didn't trip. But who knows how well I might have done if that hadn't happened?!?!?

I didn't get to stay around for the awards presentation, so my friend Kate (who helped organize the race) brought me my winner's plaque the next week. It's really nice and is proudly on display in my office!