Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Did Not Make it to Work Today

So, I woke up at about 3:30 this morning with a terrible sore throat. This is the third day in a row that I've woken up with a sore throat, but it was even worse this morning. And I could tell I had a fever. I went to bed early last night, but I guess it didn't help. So, around 6:30, I called in sick, which involved calling 6 people and leaving voice mail about things that had to get done today. Then I went back to sleep. I ended up sleeping for 13 hours and I was still tired! Well, I don't think that the thunderstorm helped me want to leave the house.

One of the girls in my group had a big presentation this afternoon, so I was quite determined to get to work in the mid-afternoon. I figured I would go in, work a few hours and bring my laptop home to make up for the morning time. I have tons going on at work right now! So, I left my house at 1:00 this afternoon. At 2:15, I had given up trying to get to Baytown and just came home. I tried 3 different routes to get to work and they were all flooded. On all three routes, I accidentally drove into standing water. I'm pretty sure God saved my precious car from stalling at least once because I was in deep water for a long time and I didn't know what to do except keep driving...stopping there would have for sure ruined my car that I love! So, here I am, back at the house, watching The Office reruns and feeling like a bum. At least it was a good day to be home, rain and all : ).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you start feeling're not in your Explorer, stop trying to drive in the rain :)