Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun Times in the Big "D"

I spent this past weekend in Dallas visiting one of my college roommates, Cara. We have kept in touch pretty well, considering that she graduated 11 years ago and now has 3 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I haven't spent nearly enough time with them over the past few years, but it's always so great just to pick up where we left off. As in college, Cara and I can still talk about the most mundane details and enjoy the conversation. We also share a faith, which makes connecting easier, I think. So here is what we did...David and Cara picked me up at the airport Friday night and we headed downtown for dinner. David's mom was keeping the kids, so we were out on the town! We parked at Cara's brother's apartment complex to avoid paying for parking. The guard at the gate gave us a bit of trouble (even though our names were supposed to be on his list), but we got in. We ended up eating at the House of do they have some good jambalaya!! It was a little loud for good conversation, but we managed to talk over the noise. We headed home and the kids were already asleep, so I didn't get to see them.

Saturday morning, I got up to run. Cara's two oldest, Jacob and Joel, were up already. They don't remember me because it's been so long since I saw them. I had to introduce myself. When Cara got up later, Joel told her, "We saw someone." So cute! Anyway, I had a fantastic 6-mile run around their neighborhood. I think it was only 70 degrees when I finished the great! The festivities on Saturday included a baby shower. It's kind of a running joke that every time I visit them, there is some wedding-related event going on (engagement parties, post-wedding receptions, an actual wedding). Well, now we've moved on to baby events. Really, the girl who is having the baby...I went to her engagement party 5 years ago! So, Cara and I headed out with her youngest, little Anna Celia, who is just beautiful. We were able to hang out and only talk to each other for most of the shower and Anna's need for a nap gave us a good reason to leave a little early. Saturday night, we went to church and dinner...yummy BBQ across the street from the church. On the way home, I played I-Spy with Jacob and Joel. Joel is very fun to play with because he says things like, "I spy something silver...see that silver car?" It's pretty easy to guess when it's his turn!

This morning, Cara was signed up to participate in the chili cook-off at the Texas State Fair with her sister Emily, brother Patrick, and Patrick's wife Linsi, so I tagged along. It was all very "loosey-goosey" because the organizers of the event never would give Linsi any concrete information, so we weren't really sure what to expect. It was craziness...we showed up and got ready to park (normally $10) and told them we were with the chili cook-off and parking was free, as was admission to the fair (normally $14 for adults). So, no matter what the outcome (Cara's team didn't win), it was worth the free admission to the fair! We did take some time to walk around the fair itself and took some pictures with "Big Tex", a disturbing 100-foot-tall mechanical man who is voiced by a live person hidden behind a curtain somewhere (think Wizard of Oz voice). Also, there are lots of weird fried things. This year's new dish was Fried Latte...what in the world? They also had fried PB&J and fried Coke. I don't get it and it doesn't sound very healthy at all.

Because of the Fair, I had to take a cab to get to the airport, which meant I brought my luggage with me and then walked to the fair gate and waited on a street corner. It was a funny sight, I'm sure. I had all my excessively large luggage (I'm a very high-maintenance packer!) and it was really a literal street corner and in a not-great part of town. But, the taxi driver came and I got to the airport in plenty of time. One funny episode at the airport. I was washing my hands in the bathroom and a lady peaked her head out of the closet (which I hadn't even noticed was there) and said "Is she gone? Is the lady with the dog gone?" I kind of looked around and said, "There's not a dog in here." And she said, "Oh, there was one in here." Then she came out of the closet. Very funny and random!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Simple, Economical and Dignified...That's our motto!

This is the main message of a personal letter I got from the Neptune Society in the mail this week. They are offering me the chance to win a pre-paid cremation...can you imagine? I usually throw these things away without opening the envelope, but it advertised this contest on the outside of the envelope and I was intrigued, so I opened it. The Neptue Society has this advice to offer: "Cremation just makes sense. If you are not interested in spending your family's inheritance on embalming, caskets, vaults, markers, fancy funeral homes or cemetery property, then we have the answer!" It also has a footnote reading "Please accept our apologies if this letter has reached you at a time of serious illness or death in your family." How polite of them!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, today is Heather's wedding day! She is already at the hotel getting ready. I just finished an 8-mile run. It was much less violent than the movie, "8 Mile" starring Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem. I really like this movie, but I did live in the ghetto for a long time, so it is kind of like watching home movies of that time. Back to details of my training run, the weather was perfect. It's like 50% humidity (Heaven for Houston!) and it was only 67 degrees when I left at 7:20. So wonderful. I ran the entire 8 miles without stopping. Well, except for the 30 seconds when I came out of a neighborhood on the complete opposite side and really couldn't figure out which direction was home. I finally did (after I had run the wrong way) and finished my run strong (9:37 for the last mile!!).

Anyway, back to Heather's day. I'm off for a manicure and pedicure, then I'm headed to the hotel to hang out with my dear friends. Such a fun day! They had to make a last-minute venue change because so many people love them and want to be a part of their special day. So, we're at the Hilton. Since the weather is so great, the ceremony is supposed to be outside on the lake, then the reception inside in the ballroom...beautiful. I'll have details and pictures galore next week!

I'll leave you with this final thought..."Neptune arrangements may also qualify as an exempt asset when filing for Medicaid assistance!"

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Running Again!!!

It is finally somewhat cooling off here in Houston, so I'm picking up my running. Of course by "cooling off" I mean that, at 6:30 this morning when I first went outside, it wasn't stiflingly hot. Seriously, I have run for 3 Saturdays in a row. Today, I went 7 miles all together. I ran quite a few of those with Jim and Erin at the Seabrook Trails...another of the many reasons I love living here! So, I think I'm on track to do good at the half-marathon. I'm signed up to run the USA Space Center 10-miler on October 14th, which is just 4 weeks away, so I've got to ramp up a bit these next few weeks. If I can do that one without falling over, I'll be set for the half marathon in January. Once I get through that race, I'm going to start working on my pace. I want to finish this one at a 10:00 per mile pace, which is 2:11 total. My best half-marathon time is 2:25, so I've got a ways to go. We'll see. Here is a picture of my prayer group on a bachelorette weekend for Heather (she's the one in the tiara!). Her wedding is next weekend. I'll write about all the details from the wedding and the weekends leading up to it. We were in the Hill Country last weekend and we're going to Galveston tonight. And next weekend is all wedding times with my dear friends!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

My Favorite Weekend of the Year

Labor Day Weekend is pretty much always my favorite weekend of the year and this was no exception. Based on my previous emails, you might think it has something to do with hanging out with friends or seeing a good movie. But, no, it's even better than that! Labor Day weekend is the one weekend where two of my favorite sports are on at the same time. College Football and tennis. Labor Day is always the middle weekend of the US Open and usually the opening weekend of college football and who doesn't love that??? I spent last weekend doing lots of stuff, but mostly would have been content to sit in front of the TV flipping channels between all the football games and tennis matches. I am in heaven at this time of year. I know that this is weird, especially considering I'm so not athletic. But, for some reason I love these sports!!!

I did spend time in Louisiana with my family and got to see my beautiful niece, Mia. Here is a picture of her. She is diligently drawing and coloring a picture for me to bring to work for a coloring contest. She did a great job and came up with the drawing all by herself! It's a picture of a little girl and her Mommy crossing the street and a message to "Look both ways when you cross the street." She is a genius!

Right now, I am watching my beloved New Orleans Saints lose to the Colts. Sigh...the heartache of loving Louisiana sports teams!