Friday, February 03, 2006

It's Been too long...

So I suck at blogging! Quick recap...

I trained with Bay Area Fit for the Houston Marathon. In October, my right foot started hurting...plantar fasciitis. Went to physical therapy to no avail...foot kept hurting (maybe bacause I kept running ridiculous distances on it!). On December 18th, I was playing Ultimate Frisbee and turned wrong and really thought I fractured my heel or something. I was basically crawling for a few days. Had to get a shot in my foot...have you ever had a shot in your foot?!?!?!? NOT FUN! Anyway, got medicine so I could walk and, of course, decided that meant I could run. So, I ran the half-marathon instead of the full. I improved my time by 6 minutes over the last time I ran the half (2004). It was a fantastic race (as always). Here's a link to my pictures

I look a little retarded in them, but who cares...I ran 13.1 miles!!!


Stacy said...

so glad you've been sucked back into the blogworld! and so proud of you! how many states are we up to in our quest to run all over the country?

Jenny Ortis said...

We're up to 6 now. We're going to catch Michigan and Illinois in April!

Anonymous said...

Good to see that you've made it back to blogging about your running!

Since you've been gone, there's a new club that you might be interested in knowing about. It is called the Houston Running Bloggers and you can check us out at


Christy said...

Hey Jenny! I have to say I admire you, girl. It takes a lot of dicipline to accomplish what you have!

elly said...

Hey Jenny - I'm impressed you ran with that foot - yes I've had that shot in the foot - hurts like H. - that whole planter facitis (sp) thing hurts! You go!

knelson said...

I am so impressed with your running discipline! Your energy is amazing. Thanks for the picture info., I love seeing ya'll!! Keep us up on how you are and where you are running. Love you, Kathy N.

Michelle said...

run on, girl!